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Red and White Fluffy Christmas Wreath to DIY

Are you getting excited for Christmas? If so I have a fun and easy craft today. I’m going to show you how easy it is to make this Red and White Fluffy Christmas Wreath.

Red and white fluffy christmas wreath with silver bow hanging against a white door.

Last year when I made the Double-Sided Fluffy Valentine Wreath I bought a bunch of the fluffy yarn knowing I’d find some cool crafts to make with it.

And so I have, this one is so fun and perfect for Christmas.

You know I’ve been doing monthly At Home DIY Challenges, right? And last year I participated in Deck the Home Challenges. They’re both organized by the same bloggers but this year we have lots of new people joining us. So that means a ton more inspiration for you.

This month’s these is Door Decor so be sure to read all the way to the bottom so you can click the link to check out all their amazing posts as well.

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Fluffy Christmas Wreath Supplies

Getting started on your Fluffy Christmas Wreath

Step 1: Calculating how much yarn you’ll need.

Ok, this is going to be super complicated….not. I’ve done all the hard work for you. Now all you have to do is order your supplies from the links above and start making your elegant Red and White Fluffy Christmas Wreath.

Where will you hang yours?

If you get the 16″ wire wreath like I used there are 8 sections and in each of those sections you’ll add 8 alternating rows.

This equals 32 rows of white and 32 rows of red. If you use a smaller or bigger wreath you’ll need to do a little math for yourself. Or just wing it 🙂 and cut as you go.

Step 2: Cut your yarn.

I found that 4″ pieces worked best to tie and I made only one very tight tie. If you have smaller fingers you might choose to use shorter but then it won’t be as fluffy.

With 32 rows and each row having 4 wires you’ll need to cut 128 4″ pieces of yarn. That’s 128 Red and 128 White pieces of yarn.

Piles of white and red fluffy yarn cut into 4" strips.

That’s about 14 yards of yarn, or roughly one half a skein.

Step 3: Start tying on the yarn.

With all your pieces cut start by tying on a row of red to each of the 4 wires on the wreath form.

Tying red yarn around the wire of a wreath form.
Tying a red piece of yarn around a wreath form wire.

Followed by a row of white.

Tying a white piece of fluffy yarn around a wreath form wire.

Keep alternating until you have 8 rows in the first section.

Hand holding wreath form with red and white rows of fluffy yarn.

Keep working on each section until you’ve filled all 8 sections.

Use a pen or pencil between the last section you finished and the one you’re working on so you can keep count of your rows. You might have to smush the rows back to get the last few rows tied in each section.

tying the last few rows of red and white fluffy yarn to the wreath form.

Step 4: Trim up any loose ends.

Almost done with your red and white fluffy Christmas wreath. Now use a pair of sharp scissors and trim all the ends that are too long.

Trimming long ends of yarn from wreath with scissors.

Step 5: Lint roll the fluffy Christmas wreath.

You’ll notice by the last few pictures that this creates a lot of fuzz. So once you’ve finished tying and trimming use an extreme sticky lint roller to pick up all the fuzz from the wreath.

Lint rolling the wreath to pick up lose fuzzy pieces.

I just discovered all the cool stuff they make. The Table Top version is on the way to my house already. They’re perfect for the craft or sewing room to pick up glitter, thread, fuzz, etc. So many cool options.

After you finish trimming your wreath and getting rid of the lint you can go through and line up all the rows if you want. You can make sure all the reds and whites are in their rows so it looks like the back (see below); or you can leave it jumbled up like I did.

backside of red and white wreath.

More Wreath Projects:

And DONE, isn’t it amazing with the silver ribbon tied at the top?

Pin this Red and White Fluffy Christmas Wreath

Red and white Christmas wreath with silver ribbon on top.
Side picture of Red and white fluffy wreath with silver ribbon on top.

I love how seriously fluffy this wreath is. I need to find some other projects for this yarn.

Left side view of Red and white fluffy christmas wreath with silver ribbon .
Red and white fluffy christmas wreath with silver ribbon hanger..
Simple but elegant Red and white fluffy christmas wreath with silver ribbon.

As promised, below is the link to this month’s Door Decor Challenge entries.

See More Holiday Door Decor Projects

Red and white fluffy christmas wreath with silver ribbon on top.

DIY Red and White Fluffy Christmas Wreath

Yield: One Wreath
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Active Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Estimated Cost: Less than $10

Make this simple but elegant Red and White Fluffy Christmas Wreath for your front door. Or hang it from a mirror to enjoy it all season long. It's a fun craft to make with kids. This is a great DIY gift idea.


  1. Cut yarn to designated length.
  2. Tie alternating rows of red and white yarn to the wreath form wires.
  3. Trim long pieces to make wreath uniform.
  4. Remove fuzz with lint roller.
  5. Hang with a sparkley ribbon


For the size wreath I made you'll tie 8 rows per section. You may need to increase or decrease the number of rows depending on the size wire wreath you use.

After you make your own version please share a pic with me on my Facebook Page.


Sunday 10th of November 2019

I love the fluffiness of this wreath and how cozy it is! Red & white is my all time favourite combination for Christmas, this year I am changing up my decor a bit and doing earthy and orangy tones, but I am definitely still drawn to the traditional red & white! Love your wreath!!!

Lindsay Ponta

Tuesday 5th of November 2019

I never knew a wreath could look cuddly -- so soft and cute!


Monday 4th of November 2019

I love the peppermint look for Christmas decorating! So vibrant and soft at the same time. Thanks for sharing this easy to do wreath.

Toni | Girl, Just DIY!

Tuesday 5th of November 2019

It does look a little bit like candy, doesn't it? :D


Monday 4th of November 2019

I'm so loving your fluffy wreath!!! It's beautiful! Such a great idea to use a roller to remove extra loose fluff.

Toni | Girl, Just DIY!

Monday 4th of November 2019

After cutting and trimming I was overrun with yarn fuzz. I'm so glad I thought to use it or I might still be sitting here picking white fuzz off red and vice versa :D


Monday 4th of November 2019

So fluffy and pretty! I just want to touch it, the yarn looks so soft. Beautiful for Christmas.

Toni | Girl, Just DIY!

Monday 4th of November 2019

If I was a crocheter or knitter I'd make a blanket out of it. It's so so soft.

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